Get More Defined Arms with an Arm Lift Surgery

Saggy skin and excess fat may accumulate in different parts of your body as you grow older or gain weight. One of the most common areas where this occurs is in the arm region. When someone develops loose skin and fat in the upper arms, it is known as bat wings. It’s an unsightly occurrence that a great deal of people suffer from every day.
In order to get rid of this issue, many people choose to undergo a surgical procedure known as an arm lift. This treatment involves making incisions to remove excess skin and stubborn fat in the arm region. It can help redefine the arms and give them a more toned and alluring appearance.
The American Institute for Plastic Surgery is the perfect place to learn more about the arm lift. Our skilled surgeons will guide you through the process from beginning to end. When the treatment is over, you’ll have the beautifully defined arms you desire.